Thursday, August 1, 2024

ur mom's love

உன் முகம் பார்க்கும் முன்
உன் குரல் கேட்க்கும் முன்
உன் குணம் அறியும் முன் 
உனக்காக உண்டு, உன்னை சுமந்து 
அவளை மறைந்து உனக்காக வாழ்ந்தவள்
உன் அம்மா 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Democratic Sapien 1

Though there are millions of species in the world, mammals are considered to be the strongest of them all. Nature has allowed them to mature in a short span since their arrival in Earth. Despite having so many spiecies in the world, mammals evolved so rapidly compared to its peer species. vertibrates all the more have been living in Earth since less than one percent of the age of earth as such. Homo Sapiens share much less time in Earth since its formation. but what makes Homo Sapeins so special and how come they became so powerful than any other species in the earth and how come they get to dominate the earth so easily. this is an intriguing feature for all historians, archealogists, antrhopologists and many other natual scientist. One common theory that has been going around is the constant evolution of the core, as in not hte physical bodily core, but the brain which controls and decides the actions of the body. But not just an active brain, but the limbs play a very crucial part as well. it is a combination of both the core and the limbs together that make humans aka Homo Sapiens, the greatest species of the mothe earth. after so much of troublesome evolutionary journey, Homo Sapiens have not struck the rght cord in combination fo the brain power and the muscle power.
A metaphorical similarity of human evolution can also be seen in the evolution of a Democracy. yes, democracy has always been evolved from where there was tyranny, monarchy, struggle, patriachy and all forms of forest ecosystem. earlier mammals were forest beings, whose primary instinct was to live and survive mostly driven by fight or flight instinct. this led to a lot of chaos, struggles for lower echleons of the beings survival difficulty for the weak. this led groupism, factionism and other forms of suppression of the weak. some species like ants, bees and wolves evloved to form a larger community based livelihood and formed the basis for modern day communism. while other mammals practised a more convntional bourgeois mentality. to break away from all of these, homo sapiens had to move away from forest living and moved to settlements to protect his own kin and sect. thus was born the idea of democracy.
it helped the man to find out the correct recipe for growth and to identify the correct combination of brain power and muscle power to start influencing the world and change it for the better (or the lack of it now). 
I feel indian constitution, which hahs had its influence from various other constitutions at the time of its making 1950s, has found that perfect balance between the state and center powers. the share of distribution of the powers has been carefully thought through and constructed in such a way that no single person becomes the ultimate authority. there are checks and balances to ensure that monrachy doesnt find its way back nor other forms of social structure such as communism, fascism, authoritarianism and so on.
though there are now some sections of society in india that cry foul to the rough, i feel that indian constituency and the makers of the same have thought through it with considerable farsightedness. they have ensured to make the democracy a complete human body devoid of any deformities distributinig the powers throughout the body like the perfect Virtuvian Man of Da Vinci.
i hope this election 2024 also uphold the same sanctity of democracy and all the pillars of the social system stay intact to protect the Democratic Sapien.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

சிற்றின்ப சிறை

உன் காதருகில் விழும்
ஒற்றை முடியை விலக்கிய
என் கைக்கு கிடைத்த
சிற்றின்ப சிறை....
கை கோரிக்கை

Saturday, December 22, 2018

முதல் பிரிவு

நீ இல்லாத இடத்தில்,
மூன்றாம் பிறையும் முழுவதும் மறைந்த மாயம் என்ன

Thursday, December 13, 2018


என் காதலை காதணியாய் அணிந்தில் அறிந்தேன் உன் காதலை

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Interested becomes more interesting, என்னோடு நீ இருந்தால்

Monday, December 3, 2018


அவசரத்தில் உன்னை படைதானோ, உன் கரு விழி இறங்கி மச்சம் ஆயிற்று, உன் கன்னத்தில்
அழகுக்கே திருஷ்டி எடுத்தார் போல