Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Alexander i have seen

I was watching the movie Alexander starring Colin Farrell directed by Oliver stone. A biopic of Alexander the great ....king of Mecadonia. It was more of drama than action. It was very long for a Hollywood film, it could have been made more interesting than it was done. Am not going to review the movie now, what I liked about the movie is the way Alexander was portrayed.....a brave unabated young war hero whose ambitions had no limits and who saw victory in every endeavour he took.

When I was watching him, only one man came to my mind...whom I consider as the Alexander of our times...there were lot of similarities that I could find between the two. The attitude with which they both had faced their battles (in their own fields) had astonished me. Time and again they have proved that everything is possible when it is done with the right attitude and just time can be the answer for the results. They have met with success in all their endeavours. Of course they too like us have faced failures....but every time they had fallen down only to get up even higher.

The way with which he manages his team and maintains control over his mind astonishes being a mere spectator gives such a pleasure to watch him make his moves. I feel delighted just to watch him on screen commanding his team and leading the team to victory. No wonder he has won so many accolades. I think you would have guessed him....

He like Alexander has lead his team from the front whenever the team wanted him to perform. He with his clever tactics has brought our team from debacle to success which no body would have dreamt of. I have been inspired many times with a way he handles things till the time he meets success. He has been a conqueror of the game setting a  new style which nobody has till now been able to copy with such an efficiency. As was Alexander the conqueror of the world...this man also has been the great in his field succeeding in all forms.

Alexander had trusted lieutenants in his army who never let down him in any war and had been with him all the time. Alexander believed in them and they never let his belief go in vain. same as with our hero. His teammates have proved his belief in them was not wasted. He had selected them against all odds and has won against all odds.

After Alexander there was no heir to continue his dreams. Moreover all the states that was captured by him disintegrated and were ruled by his troops' lieutenants. Even in our case there is no one to replace him at least till now, the ones who have been identified as successors have not proved their able capacity as a replacement. Let's hope there will be continuous improvement on the platform that has already been laid.

My hero is.....

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

unity in religions

Why is India so easily excited by religion ? We could tolerate poor sanitation , pathetic hospitals, lack of schools, potholed roads, erratic power, unhygienic water and subsistence living...but someone say something offending about one religion...we have an instant explosion....schools and colleges shut for a week...hospitals overflowing with patients from riots...curfew .....every policeman made to stand days together.....blocking all vehicles....closing all shops and making life miserable for a common man.....why just a word offensive about some religion...

Are we really secular??? When people are so very  tolerant about the insecurities of their basic amenities..why aren't they tolerant about religion. Is it really a mistake of the stupid common man who with his complete ingenuity believing whatever the opportunistic politicians says to secure his vote bank ?? Or in the first place is it the fault of the philosophy of having different religions, the very basis with which our constitution was built ???? is the religion itself to be blamed for this.common man is to be pitied...what will he do, in all his capabilities he at most will  choose that religion which leverages his economic status...if you were to ask me to choose my religion now...I would select a caste representing a scheduled tribe...why just to exploit the reservations bestowed on them. After all who wudn want to make life simpler and easier.....??? Much simpler will life become when we are able to choose what we want from the choices that life is to offer...but the theory paradox of choice explains the more choices one is exposed to more likely he is to choose the wrong one...

When there are bountiful religions to adopt and live with he is more likely to fall prey for the wrong one. Choosing the more soothing and comforting one...a natural choice not to blame him....but shouldn't he be much more tolerant towards other religions understanding the rational that those religions which he preferred not to choose is in someway is comfortable for someone else......why is it missing in from his conscience....

Looking back at history religions were created only to foster brotherhood among people with common ideologies. As time went by the same were used as political tools to attain power. Then started the war against religions essentially to establish the power of one's own social status...people became intolerant against other religions, they were not ready to accept new theories and new ideologies....then wars started and foreigners started to rule our rich history is entirely based on religion be it Hinduism Buddhism or later islamism ......

People started cursing other religions only to suppress them....minorities were never given a chance .....more riots more confusion more losses....people then started to fight only to establish one's superiority.....followers became fanatics....and came chaos. People are more tolerant when corruption is increasing, even more tolerant when economy is decreasing but just a word by opposition religion lits up flames all over the country.

The very reason for establishing religion is buried along with the victims' corpses...then what is the purpose of such religions which have never reduced the damage but only has aggravated....why is a Hindu waiting for kalki...why is a Christian and Muslim  waiting for the messiah.....only to watch people die in the battle of blood......what are these gods going to give in future when they cannot save people now....what sought of a gambit is this ??
When gods have no power to reduce it if at all can't stop this, is it not our responsibility to take a matured decision....either not utter offences or to have a care free attitude rather than wasting our time asking forgiveness and apologies from people who don't really care about others' theories....when we have lot of other problems which pose a threat to our sustenance ....trivial matters like these should be dusted out from our minds. A better approach should be to more humble and more open minded. Stop constructing temples mosques and churches....rather build schools were children from all religions get clear more sophisticated hospitals were patients from all classes get libraries which are storehouses of knowledge...let all our temples churches and mosques represent only the rich history behind them rather than gory because of least let the coming generations reduce the number of religions and live under a single religion called mankind !!!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Results of insomnia....5

என் விருது

நான் பார்க்காதபோது நீ என்னை பார்ப்பது எனக்கு விருது
நான் கேட்காதபோது நீ என்னை அழைப்பது எனக்கு விருந்து
நான் மொக்கை போடும்போது அதை நீ கேட்பது எனக்கு இனிது
நான் எதிர்பாராத போது நீ தரும் முத்தம் எனக்கு பெரிது